
4-H 60s Accessories animal April apron Autumn baby bag baking balloon(s) Basics basket(s) Bathroom beach beads bear Bedroom bird birdhouse birthday blanket Bleach blessing(s) blood book bookmark bottle bottle cap bowl box bracelet braid Bug/Insect bunny butterfly button cake calender camp Camp Tales can candle(s) candy canvas card stock cardboard carnation carrot carton cement center piece ceramic charm(s) chess chest childcare chocolate choker Christmas clay clay pots clothing cloud clown clutch Coaster Collage collage purse collection(s) container(s) corn cosmetics cosplay costume Craft Hall craftsnob.com create creation crepe paper cross cross stitch cupcake curtain(s) Cut Outs decoration decoupage deer demonstrations denim dessert Dining Room dog doll Dollhouse dove drawing dream catcher dream(s) dress drum dye earrings ears Earth Day Easter egg(s) electric Elvis embroidery embroidery floss event express eye(s) fabric fair family fantasy fashion favor feather(s) felt female fire fish flannel fleece flower(s) foil food Fool(s) friendship bracelets fruit furniture gag(s) game garden garden stones Geisha gift(s) Girl Scout glass glitter globe glove(s) god's eye gold Goth hair Halloween handbag hat heart hemp hippy Historic holiday home hope hot glue house incense burners inspiration inspire instructions Instructor instrument Irish Iron Iron On jar jewelry Jewish journals jug June kit kitchen knit(ting) lace Ladies Who Craft lamp leaves legging(s) locket love macrame Magnet(s) manifesto map March Martha Stewart MASH mask May Medievel memo board memories memory keeping mermaid(s) metal Mod Podge Mosaic(s) Mothers Day movie mud mushroom music musical nail polish nail(s) Napkin Holder napkin rings napkins nature necklace needlework no-sew Nostalgia ocean October Old Magazine(s) Oriental original ornaments outdoor oven owl paint pants/shorts paper paper bag paper box paper mache' paper plate Paperdoll paperweight Patch(es) Peace peace sign pearl(s) pencil Pet Rocks photo album photo(s) picture frame Pig(s) pillow cases pillow(s) pin Pirate place mats Planters Plaster plastic plastic canvas pocket(s) Poetry Poll pom pom pop(s) power tools prop psychedelic Punk purse Quetzel quilt quote raccoon Rag Rugs Rag(s) rain rainbow Re-Enactment rebel rebellion recipe recycle Ren Faire Reptile/Amphibian retro ribbon ring(s) Rocky Horror Picture Show rose Rug(s) salt dough sand scarecrow scarf school scrap booking sculpting seashell sewing sewing machine shelf shirt/blouse shoe(s) Shrinkies skirt sleep snake spider spray adhesive Spring sprinkles St. Patty's Day star stick(s) stocking(s) storage string Summer Supervisor sushi swan sweet Sweet Dreams t-shirt Table Runner Table Setting Thanksgiving theater thread Tie Dye tissue paper tools tote toy travel tree(s) turkey TV twisty ties vegetable(s) veil vest video VW Bug Wall Hanger(s) water weather wedding Winter wire Wizard of Oz wood woodburn woodworking worry dolls www.cutoutandkeep.net yarn zipper

Friday, March 4, 2011

Braided Rag Rugs

Sorted Fabric Strips for Rugs
Years ago I remember a trip to the state fair with my family that took us through our usual trip through the historical cabin. What stuck this trip was a woman sitting on the porch, in a period costume, working on a braided rag rug. It was an image that stuck with me. All my life I had been around people who could sew and do all sorts of crafts, but I had never actually seen someone braid a rag rug before and didn't know anyone that could. It was one of those memories that got filed away and years later when looking at my scrap box I got to thinking about it again. I knew I could do it, I just hadn't tried and didn't know anyone who could show me, so I'd have to take it on myself.
Using Pins to keep Place

 Using scraps I had on hand I cut them into strips and started playing with techniques and going through the process of figuring it out. I didn't want just long strips sewn together (like you see a lot of times in mass produced, store bought braided rugs). My first attempt, as I figured out what worked best ended up being a coaster. I started with sewing the ends together then braided the strips into each other as I moved outward in a circle.

Rag Rug
I started a collection of scraps from other sewing projects and discarded clothes and rag cut into strips to be used in rugs, organizing them by color. It's given me a great outlet to use scraps of fabric, lace, & ribbon as well as recycle old and otherwise discarded rags (old, worn, torn clothes, towels, etc).

At the last camp I worked at I had a lot of quiet evenings in the middle of nowhere. It gave me a lot of time to work on my own projects and rug making was a nice one for that.

They have also proven to make some great gifts. It's kind of cool to see the rugs being used and decorating the homes of friends and family that have them. I have a stack right now waiting to find homes.


Anonymous said...

How are you hooking the braids together in a circle?

Gertie said...

Yes, braiding them into a circle or oval... I've used both shapes on different rugs.